Seashore Galvanizing


Seashore started the first ever Hot Dip Galvanizing factory in the State of Qatar in the year 1998 — The dawn of a new era in the growth of Group as well as in the history of Qatar. A professionally managed ISO 9001:2008 Certified company with experienced workers, the factory is successfully serving the national and international clients fully complying with international standards.

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Design of Structures for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Certain standard practices shall be followed in designing the structures for effective and safe galvanizing coating on structures. In seashore galavanizing factory, We provide total solution to our clients and customers by providing them all technical support and advises, in the initial stage of designing of structures itself , there by achieve the best quality of galvanizing.

Duplex System Of Coating

Applying two coats of paint over hot dip galvanized structure is considered to be the best corrosion protection system for steel structures. It provide barrier protection as well as cathodic protection. Studies have proved that, duplex system of coating doubles the life of steel.

Hot Dip Galvanizing of Concrete Reinforcement Bars

Concrete normally provides corrosion protection to embedded reinforcing steels. However this protection is easily breached by the intrusion of chloride ions and other contaminants in to the concrete due to aggressive environment, poor design or workmanship. In this situation, the steel reinforcement begins to corrode and damage to the concrete is very soon and inevitable.

This is completely eliminated by using hot dip galvanized bars in place of epoxy coated bars. Hot dip galvanizing can be carried out even after cutting and bending of the steel form work.

Life of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings

The life of galvanized steel depends upon the environment to which the steel is exposed to. In a moderately industrialized environment, galvanized steel has a life of 25 years for a coating thickness of 85 microns. The life of galvanized steel is directly proportional to the coating thickness.


Surface Preparation: Centrifugal (airless) Blasting system with high speed rotors. 6rotors set at different angles to ensure full coverage of the job. Fully automatic machine provides excellent surface cleaning to the required standard.

Pre-Treatment Facility

Acid Tank-8mtr long x 1.2 mtr. wide x 1.2 mtr deep – 2Nos

Rinsing Tank-8mtr long x 1.2 mtr wide x 1.2 mtr deep – 2Nos

Flux Tanks-8mtr long x 1.2 mtr wide x 1.2 mtr deep – 1Nos

Dipping Bath Size

7mtr long x 0.8mtr wide x 1.2 mtr deep

Note: By double end dipping method, up to 12mtr long articles can be dipped (with prior consultation)

Spin Galvanizing

Spin galvanizing facility available for small articles, fastners etc. to remove excess zinc for centrifuging.

Hot Dip Galvanizing Procedure


  • Hot Dip Galvanizing is the process of coating Iron and Steel articles with zinc for protection against corrosion by dipping the articles in molten zinc at a temperature of 455+ 50c.
  • Pickling: steel material is immersed into HCL Solution tank for approximately 1 to 2 hours depending upon the surface condition, to remove all rust, mill scales, dirt, etc.
  • Rinsing: rinsing the steel in fresh water to remove traces of HCL
  • Fluxing: The clean steel is immersed in a flux bath, consisting of zinc ammonium chloride solution to wet the steel surface and prevent oxidation before galvanizing process.
  • Drying: The steel materials are spread over a heating platform to remove moisture content and to facilitate the flux to form a thin film coating over the steel and also to pre heat the steel before dipping.
  • Dipping: The steel materials are then dipped into molten zinc bath maintained at a temperature of 455+ 50c. After the reaction is over the surface of the bath is skimmed and the materials are slowly withdrawn from the bath. Time of dipping depends on the thickness, shape of the steel, etc.
  • Quenching: The galvanized materials are either air cooled or quenched in a water bath for cooling.
  • Recovery and final inspection: Excess zinc on the material, lumps, spikes, etc. are removed by sanding, filing, etc.
  • Coating thickness is measured with a calibrated elecometer. Materials are bundled and stacked in the yard for dispatched.